
Index of Twitter Accounts

  • ♡Gaming account: @elezenlover

  • ♡MXTX/danmei account: @xie_llan (2 Ls)

  • ♡personal account: @minahafterdark


  • Minah

  • Adult

  • She/her

  • Married

  • USA

Please always feel free to interact with me or send me things. I have some serious chronic health issues, so it may sometimes take me time to respond, or I might not be able to respond, but I will try my best as long as I see it!
I am a self-shipper, I have crushes on most of my favorite characters and often ship myself or a self-insert with them in my own version of their universes, so I will sometimes talk about them from that perspective. (Always fine with selfship doubles).


I consider myself more or less 'proship'--I understand that fiction can affect reality, and that media portraying things like hatred towards minorities, imperialism, etc. can have very real negative effects. However, I do not believe someone's taste in fictional content or ships equals their taste or morality in real life. People consume all kinds of fictional content for all kinds of reasons, and you can't make accurate moral judgements about a stranger on the internet based on what fiction they enjoy or create.
Dark or "problematic" content should be properly tagged and consumed by consenting adults who can separate fiction from reality, just like any media depicting things that aren't ok in real life. Violent video games don't automatically make people violent, reading game of thrones doesn't mean you support pedophilia or incest in real life, and shipping fictional characters together doesn't make someone a predator.
I absolutely do not condone harassment of any kind over any fictional content, nor do I condone any actual crimes in real life.
○MAP, Zoophile, condone real-life crimes
○condone harassment over fictional content of any kind, believe fictional characters have the same rights as real people

🔞kinks/content warnings that may appear on my accounts (any original content will always be tagged)🔞

  • BDSM and power exchange dynamics

  • Age regression (the non-sexual coping mechanism) and age play (the kink dynamic)

  • Omegaverse and related dynamics

  • Monsterfucking of all kinds

  • Self-shipping / self-insert / OCxCanon

  • May sometimes be (FICTIONAL) age gap, underage, incest, omorashi, blood and gore, or other extreme kinks, mostly only on @minahafterdark